Saturday, December 26, 2009

After Christmas Shopping Wrap-up

I found some awesome deals and a couple very cute shirts!! Yay. Pictures once the Internet is up:)

After our morning of shopping our men's wanted to go to a movie and not just any movie. AVATAR and not just AVATAR...extreme 3D AVATAR! It was so super awesome and it did not feel like it was long at all! The special effects were more then awesome and it was pretty much the best...EVER! Plus the very cool cute glasses you get to wear...AWESOME!

At this point I wasn't sure the day could get any better, but guess what we did next...

Watch the finale of Survivor! That was awesome for so many reasons. My pick from the very beginning won!! You go Natatlie!! Russell was so pissed and still so hard headed and stupid he couldn't see reality!! Walking all over people is not the best way to play:) That made me so happy!! I guarantee he was sitting there all ready to be like you all are so stupid see I am the best and blah blah blah...nope loser little Natalie had the game right from the beginning!!! Stupid my ass...she played exactly how I would have sit back, make an alliance, be nice and sweet to all, keep your mouth shut. I think it is great all these women who get on there and try to be all super woman and then can not understand why they get voted off in the beginning. Seriously you can not keep your mouth shut for amilliion dollars? hmmmm some power you

I had a great day!

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