Went on a bike ride last night with preggo Kimmie. She asked how I was dealing with everyone around me being either pregnant or having a baby...literally...everyone! I have two friends...TWO...who I really do not talk to the often who are not with baby or knocked up;)
Honestly, it was a little rough when I first got the baby fever...BAD. I mean I have always wanted babies! I was the girl in high school who just wanted to be a wife and mother, and this was during a time when you should strive to be President! I just always wanted a simpler life with a husband who really loved and actually liked me (check:)) and a couple cute littles running around. I wanted and still do to be a stay at home mom. I have never had ANY drive for a career...NONE. and it is not out of laziness! I just have always wanted a "career" in being a housewife...this is really hard for a few of my friends to get but it is the way it has always been. So when I hold a new baby I have always cooed and wished I had one, but knew I wanted a strong respectful relationship first. Well, fast forward to January of this year and Baby Fever hit...this should be a real physical diagnosis. It happened inside my body just as a any other physical aliment. The simple "oh I can't wait" thought that would come from the site/touch/hold of a little went to my body screaming at me...YOU MUST PROCREATE NOW! Yes, if haven't had this exact feeling you have not had baby fever...the "oh I can't wait" and "ahhh I want a baby" has nothing NOTHING on Baby Fever. So here I am with Baby Fever BAD and each and every friend follows by wither getting pregnant or having their littles right now. Well, back to Kim's question:
I am actually excited for each and everyone of them! I think of each little as one more step to my little bundle arriving safely in my womb. My husband and I have had great and lengthy conversations that we would not have addressed or at the very least not had in depth discussions if so many of my friends were not with child. We have talked about birthing options, birthing places, doctors, insurance, baby names, discipline, eating habits, feeding philosophies, time frames, and most importantly budget. We get to use their milestones and difficulties as stepping stones along our path to parenthood...and that my Friend makes me excited! Does that mean we will be any better or more prepared during our pregnancy? Not sure but it sure helps with Baby Fever to be actively discussing ad deciding on major little rearing things. Plus my husband send cute text like the following:
Me: (send text frowning at work late)Still at work...ahhh
Husband: awwwwwwwwwww no sad faces....work = money = babies;)
It may be just me, but he might have Baby Fever too:)